Get Involved
We love our parent-volunteers! We believe that we children best succeed when we all work together. Please stay involved in your student's education and classroom. Here is a list of a few ways that you can volunteer here at Dewey. If you have suggestions or have other ideas please let us know!
Ways to Get Involved With Dewey
Help in your child’s class
Become the Room Representative in your child’s class
Take home jobs from classroom teacher
Purchase supplies for your child’s classroom Help classroom teacher with small groups
Volunteer to read to your child’s class
Maintain website for your child’s classroom
Teach a skill in your child’s classroom
Play a game with your child’s class
Volunteer to be an Art Docent
Help with art projects in your child’s class
Purchase and donate party snacks
Conduct classroom demonstrations: cooking, science, art, etc.
Join PFO
Attend a PFO meeting
Lead a PFO committee
Join a PFO committee
Work at a Dewey Event
Help with fundraisers
Purchase Scrip each Tuesday
Save and turn in Box Tops
Sign up for school rewards from Safeway, Safemart, Red Robin and Amazon Smile
Turn in E Waste
Turn in small printer ink cartridges
Help in the traffic line
Help kids at the kiddie walks
Supervise students before school
Supervise the lunch line
Work as a Yard Duty (volunteer or paid)
Help in the library
Create and put up bulletin boards
Make signs for events at school
Organize and run an after school club (book, running, origami, game…etc.)
Organize Earth Day
Help with E Waste and Printer Ink Collections
Help with Lost and Found
Fifth and Sixth Grade Fundraisers
Each year 5th and 6th graders attend an overnight Science Camp. In 5th grade they attend Pt. Bonita and in 6th grade they attend Westminster Woods. Each trip costs a couple hundred dollars per student. Each class hosts multiple fundraiser to offset or completely pay for their trips.
Please see below for ways you can help this year!
5th and 6th Grade Bag Tag Fundraiser
These tags come in the 42 designs below and each can be personalized with a name for $6 each. Order forms have been sent home with each student, you can also pick up in the office or you can order with any 5th or 6th grade student. The funds will be divided between both 5th and 6th grades. Thank you!